Friday, May 30, 2008

[ 欢度六一 ] LOGO萌化计划 [ Happy Children's Day ] Logo MOEizing Project


I participated in some contest of character design related to a Logo.
Under the risk of failing in the test, I gambled three days of my reviewing time in the drawing. The production was a lolita with blond hair plus little ponytail plus sleeve emblem plus glasses. (Rather than drawing it following the requirement, In fact I think I drawed it following my desire.)

Front View:

The task is to characterize the Logo in the right hand side. It request an entire character design which consisted by front view, rear view and four brows with actions.
So, the Logo is transformed to a combination of jet backpack and mirror defensive system.

Rear View:
剩下的设定... 叹气中 - 计算中 - 宣言中...

PS: 第一次使用SAI,对于我这种一直用Photoshop而没玩过painter的人来讲实在是太震撼了。请允许我在这里火星多一次一个众所周知的事实:和一个才几M的小软件相比,Photoshop你的绘图实在是过分的LJ阿(突然怨念起浪费在PS绘图上的时间泪)
The rest design... Sighing - Calculating - Declaring ...
She is not of TSUINTEIRU(twintail) property... whereas tend to be adulty(may be of some little housewife property)...

It's really a long time since the last time I have devoted myself to drawing. During the three days there is only drawing except meal and sleep.
PS: It's the first time I use SAI, and it is really amazing for me who is confined to photoshop in the past. Thus please allow me to speak out a well-known truth again: Compare to the only a few M size big little software, Photoshop your drawing function is excessively trashy. (Suddenly complainingly remember the time wasted on photoshop)
Postscript: Since it is only a very small scale of the game, the organizer canceled for the withdrawal of the sponsors caused by the rainy Children's Day...

Friday, May 2, 2008




原图按A3 300dpi画,结果说明随便开那么大的工程是很容易烂尾的...留两条校准线纪念半途而废,以上。
It seems that it's common to say "Long time..." while turning to a new topic...

Keep silence here for more than a year, for the reason that I have found a quillet to lay down my pen. Sometimes casually pick the pen up I was so inept to draw anything.
During the vocation extremely boring it is and lead me to brought the old unfinished drawing out to have something to do.
Otherwise, there is a story as background.

The original image was draw under the standard A3 300dpi. Nevertheless finally it means there won't be any happy ending if the giant project is started at a venture...
And somethings after...